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Athletic Equestrian: Riding In College Podcast

Navigating the world of collegiate riding is a mystery to most young rider athletes and their families.  Sally Batton, a collegiate varsity equestrian coach for over 30 years, interviews coaches, organizations and riders for their insight on what it takes to ride on a collegiate equestrian team.  So saddle up and join her as she reveals the inner workings of collegiate equestrian. 

Apr 8, 2021

Dr. Piper Klemm
 is the owner and publisher of The Plaid Horse and is the host of The Plaidcast, both covering the USEF/USHJA horse showing world and other horse related topics. She also owns a fleet of lease ponies for the horse show circuit, Stonewall Ponies. Piper has her PhD from the University of California, Berkely and uses her educational and equestrian backgrounds to teach college-level courses on the horse industry. She will offer three summer online courses through Clarkson University which include: Business and Bias in the Equestrian Industry; Grit, Toughness and Contemporary Equestrian Coaching; and, English Riding: History, Culture and Industry Evolution.